What are energy leaks?
and how they are costing you your time, health and money
Your energy leaks are draining you energetically, depleting your time and health, and costing you money and freedom.
We say we’ll do the things, and then, four hours/months/years later, the things have yet to be done. Phrases like, “we’ll start on Monday”, and then it’s Sunday, and nothing has been initiated. We say we’ll take action on bringing our dream & vision to life after we complete that next course, certification, and degree, and before we know it, we’re on to the next damn program, and your vision & dream remains nothing but an idea, inside of you.
And how about this one-we’ll start when we feel more motivated, yet we never quite find that motivation.
Check out these common sources of energy leaks…
Physical Energy Leaks:
- A poor diet can cause fluctuating blood sugar levels, resulting in fatigue and lethargy.
- Sleep deprivation: The body’s ability to recharge is impaired when it doesn’t get enough restful sleep.
- Lack of physical activity can result in reduced stamina and energy.
- Health issues that last for a long time can drain physical energy and resilience.
Emotional Energy Leaks:
- Constant worry or anxiety depletes emotional reserves and can cause burnout.
- Toxic or draining relationships consume emotional energy and can cause emotional exhaustion.
- A suppressed or unresolved emotion, such as anger, sadness, or guilt, can lead to emotional overload and fatigue.
- Overcommitting or not setting personal boundaries can lead to emotional exhaustion and overload.
Mental Energy Leaks:
- Ruminating thoughts or overanalyzing situations can be mentally exhausting.
- Too much information, especially through digital devices, can lead to mental fatigue.
- Too many decisions, especially trivial ones, can drain mental energy.
- Multitasking or shiny object syndrome(aka distractions) can disrupt concentration and can be a huge energy sucker.
Environmental Energy Leaks:
- Spaces that are disorganized or cluttered can lead to feelings of chaos and mental exhaustion.
- Persistent noise can be mentally and emotionally draining, whether it is traffic noise, electronic sounds, or other types of noise.
- Toxic work environments and gossip can lead to chronic stress, overwhelm and energy depletion.
Spiritual Energy Leaks:
- A lack of purpose or values may lead to feelings of emptiness and spiritual exhaustion.
- Being disconnected from a sense of community or belonging can drain spiritual energy.
- Being your own worst enemy.

I invite you to drop into these questions:
Take the inventory each day and check in with yourself.
- What are your values & beliefs?
- What areas of your life are you experiencing leaks draining your energy, depleting your time and health, and costing you money?
- Are you consciously aware of these leaks? If so, how are these leaks serving you?
- When you are dropped in and fully aligned with your beliefs & values, what are you doing, saying, and feeling?
- Who are you BEING when you are fully DROPPED IN?
- How are you showing up for yourself?
- How are you showing up in your biz?
- How are you serving your clients?
- What are your prices?
- How are your relationships?
- What does it feel like to embody the energy aligned with your beliefs & values?
- What does it feel like to bring this energy into my life?
- How does it feel to bring this dropped in energy into my current containers?
- Where am I allowing myself to stay restricted for others?
- What am I no longer willing to tolerate?
- How am I giving my power away to low vibrational energies?
- How am I leaking energy to those who need to follow through with their side of the agreement?
- If fear and logic were in the back seat, what would my intuition & highest self do?
- Journal it out; what would your desired energy be?
Learn more about Energy Leaks on my podcast Dropped In.
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Why Work With Me?
I am a business and nervous system strategist, seasoned rapid resolution and hypnotherapist specializing in alleviating pressure, addiction, stress, and anxiety for heart-wired entrepreneurs and CEO’s.
With over fifteen years of entrepreneurial experience and expertise, I facilitate quantum transformations through Nervous System and Business Strategies and CEO Embodiment.
My stellar client retention and referral rate foster deep trust and deliver impactful results. Through my work, I teach my clients how to master their minds, bodies, and emotions to live fulfilling lives and build rock-solid businesses aligned with their beliefs, values, and purpose.
Contact me today to schedule your first session and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.